Stockton Raptors Evolving Program for Youth Hockey
Staff Profiles


STOCKTON RAPTORS                                                                              Thank you for visiting our new Internet site.  We want to give you the opportunity to stay in touch with our brand new Grass-Roots Community Youth Outreach Program.  A new content management system will enable us to always keep you up to date.                                                                                          Here are some available links to cruise through... www.usahockey.com www.hockeyisforeveryone.nhl.com and www.caha.com.   These links can help  familiarize you with the sport of youth Hockey in Stockton CA. along with the many available youth skating programs offered through our governing body, USAH and NorCal Youth Hockey.                               

WOOT! WOOT!  We just received a call today  at 2:15 p.m. ( May 14, 2012)  from the Cit of Stockton. Oak Park Ice Arena is receiving  funding of $65,000.00 toward the repair of the rink. I am told that this is just the beginning of the many avenues of revenue the City is looking into to keep Oak Park Ice Arena Alive. A Press Release will be officially released today. You heard it first from "The Coolest Sport Ever!!"

Just an FYI, Everyone has probably heard and or read about the indefinite closure of our local Municipal ice rink, Oak Park Ice Arena, Stockton, CA, due to major equipment repair. "The Coolest Sport Ever" has the support of the ECHL Stockton Thunder which is a great plus for our organization. We have been informed that there will be a Community Meeting, the date will be announced, to specifically address the future of Oak Park Ice Arena. Please stay in touch with our FB and website for the date and latest news, and come out to show your support for our local youth and community facility!

If you have been following our postings, earlier in the year , "The Coolest Sport Ever," was in the second step of the grant process for 50 sets of Hockey gear for our kids to hit the ice! We have just found out that the final decision will be made in July 2012 from the National Hockey League Player's Association, WOOT! WOOT!

What a great Hockey season, the Stanley Cup Playoffs and our local ECHL Stockton Thunder Team thundering into the playoffs for The Kelly Cup. Our organization, "The Coolest Sport Ever" was just contacted by the California Amateur Hockey Association (CAHA) whom inquired in depth about our organization and was excited to hear that Stockton was going to promote affordable youth hockey in Northern California. CAHA invites our organization  to contact them for their support and inquiries to help further our organization's success for the youth in Northern California, Stockton!    04/2012

Apologies to all! Due to technical difficulties with our website builder we have not been able access our site until today...NOT TO FEAR. All is well and progressing along in our grassroots organization. We have made it through the second step of the NHLPA ( National Hockey League Players Assn.) Grant for 50 sets of equipment. It is a long process, but behind the scenes we are progressively seeking sponsors, and equipment to make our program a reality from the ground up and onto the ice...stay tuned and be sure to to look us up on FACEBOOK at The Coolest Sport Ever youth Hockey Association!                           02/2012

Update: May 18 2011:

Come join us for the Celebrate CommUNITY Family and Fun Field Day! Building Unity within the Community! "The Coolest Sport Ever" will have a booth to celebrate with family and friends! We will be there on Saturday, May 21, 2011 from 10 am - 5 pm at Victory Park (Haggin Museum) This is a FREE Community Event. Come join us for a free BBQ, games and live entertainment! You can learn more about our youth hockey programs. Sign up for upcoming programs for in-house teams, learning to skate, and learning the sport of Hockey. Our program is unique, we supply all the safety equipment from head-to-toe, including skates, ice time and Certified Coaches. We just need Kids that want to have fun learning the sport of Hockey! Our goal is to give all youth the opportunity to learn the sport of Hockey.

Update: April 17 2011:

"Stockton is Magnificent" Event on the Miracle Mile, Where will you be? The "Coolest Sport Ever" Youth Hockey Assn. will be there with a booth, so stop by, and say, HI!  It is a great opportunity to learn more about our organization. We will have sign ups for upcoming programs.  When? April 23rd from 10am-2pm, on the Miracle Mile, on Pacific Avenue between Castle and Walnut Street. Be a part of Stockton History! A mass photo will be taken around noon, and sent to Forbes Magazine.  Bright yellow t-shirts by CA Tees and AdArt that say "Stockton is Magnificent!" will be sold and worn for the Event and PHOTO.  Hope to see you there, come on by. 

                         HOCKEY IN STOCKTON IS MAGNIFICENT!

Update: 02/16/2011

Greetings to all! I hope everyone enjoyed their Valentine's Day. The momentum of the evolution of our program is rolling. Other organizations within our Community and nationally have inquired into our program and have shown sincere interest in becoming involved in working together with "The Coolest Sport Ever" to benefit the community and local youth. I would like to encourage all the youth and their families that have already made contact with us to email me for further details. For those who are new to our website, email us and let us know if you have any children or youth groups that would like to participate in our program!

Update: 12/09/2010

HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL! It has been a busy time. Looking forward to spending time with family and friends. I wanted to recognize and thank the ECHL Stockton Thunder Organization and the Jackson Rancheria "Hometown Hero" Community sponsor at the Stockton Arena. The Stockton Thunder organized a table for our organization, "The Coolest Sport Ever" Youth Hockey Association along with the Stockton Colts Jr. Hockey Club so that we could bring more awareness to the community about our hockey programs. 

UPDATE: 11/08/2010

Greetings! The holidays will soon be here to celebrate time with family and friends. We continue to wait for word from the "Hockey is for Everyone" NHL Board. Although behind the scenes we have been busy, fundraising, for our kids equipment and have had generous offers of donations of gently used equipment. We are presently coordinating an event for all the youth interested in learning Hockey to spend a day on the ice. If your child is interested in trying out the sport of hockey, send an email to: kasbury@thecoolestsportever.com 

IN THE MEAN TIME!, our organization is participating in a CALIFORNIA YOUTH HOCKEY JERSEY RAFFLE!


2nd PRIZE is an autographed JERSEY FROM AN NHL Boston Bruins HALL OF FAMER???

The California Youth Hockey Jersey Raffle drawing will be on December 18, 2010 and can be viewed on youtube.com @ www.hockeyjerseyraffle.com

 UPDATE: 8/26/2010

We are awaiting the Board Approval by the NHL to be the 28th National Affiliate Program. We have been advised by the NHL "Hockey is for Everyone" Board Director that we will know our status by Fall 2010.  A big thank you to Dan Chapman and the ECHL Stockton Thunder Organization for their affiliation and support. Also, to the many Youth Hockey Enthusiasts, Coaches, Staff and Families that have shown their support for our program to come to fruition. Keep in touch, Fall is right around the corner!

At present, our web site is still under construction, almost complete. We are making an effort to present you with our entire spectrum of programs that we offer to youths of all ages and backgrounds as soon as possible. At this point we can provide you with information regarding our non-profit organization. The emphasis of our site is to inform the community of Stockton and outlying areas of our unique program. This program will certainly be of interest to you and the youth in our community. Check this site in the upcoming weeks.

In the meantime you can reach us at 209-242-2747. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to shoot us an email to contact us : stan@thecoolestsportever.com or kasbury@thecoolestsportever.com

If you are not familiar with our organization and your first contact with us is online: We would be pleased to hear from you! Let us know what you believe are the community's needs in establishing and addressing school and after-school programs and activities, we look forward to hearing from you and any ideas you may have.  Remember, we provide the ice, the gear from head to toe, we just need the youths to teach and have fun learning the essential fundamentals of the sport of Hockey!  That is the goal of our program, to offer the opportunity for every youth to learn the sport of Hockey!

In brief, you should know the following about us: "The Coolest Sport Ever" Youth Hockey Association was established this year, 2010 and will be responsible for providing an outstanding youth hockey program that addresses the athlete, academics and citizenship. Our primary goal is to teach the essential fundamentals of the sport of Hockey. Our Certified Coaches, accredited Teachers and supporting staff value the Lifelong skills that each youth builds upon, such as teamwork, self-confidence, discipline and the opportunity to be role models for other Central Valley youth.

We rely on our local businesses and corporate sponsorships for their generous support and sponsorships.  In addition to grants, locally, state and nationwide available for non-profit organization like ours to make the program a reality and offer a high-quality ethnically diverse youth program.

Sponsors and Donors consider the positive media exposure and customer loyalty from within our community from their participation and support of our unique youth program. It is a win-win situation for all involved. And, most importantly, a healthy community enriches the lives of all the people in it.

 Should any Local businesses or Corporations that are interested in playing a part in our Youth and Community program please contact our organization. 

In the upcoming weeks we will be contacting and educating our Local Corporations and Businesses via correspondence of the great opportunity to be a part of our unique Youth Program and all the attributes we offer to the youth of, "Hockey is for Everyone!"

We want to recognize our affiliate who made this program possible, Dan Chapman and The ECHL Stockton Thunder organization for their never ending support. GO THUNDER! "Hockey is for Everyone" is an NHL sanctioned grass roots outreach youth program, upon approval, our organization will be the 28th program nationally.  www.stocktonthunder.com                                    

IN RECOGNITION OF OUR SPONSORS THAT MAKE OUR PROGRAM POSSIBLE. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK, the Thunder Hockey Booster Club! www.thunderhockeyboosterclub.com